

There is something so beautiful about pleasure. I’ve been blessed in that I’ve always had a healthy relationship with it. It makes me happy and I actively seek it whenever I can. In many ways I think my life is guided by pleasure. In that way, the universe is so rewarding, it guides through pleasure.

The pleasure I seek in my life is many things, but in this case, sexual pleasure is what I’m thinking about.

From a very early age my mom found it important to talk to me about sexual pleasure. She raised me and would talk to me about her life. She emphasized the importance that I knew and understood my own sexual pleasure. This I am very grateful she taught to me at a young age. So from a young age I knew my pleasure and I treasured it.

The partners I’ve allowed in me, my past and my present, I have so because I’ve trusted them as ones I could fully enjoy the pleasure with, ones I wanted. I am grateful for that. Pleasure is such a beautiful thing, it’s part of the great joy of life and a journey full of discoveries and love <3

Video still from “Wendy’s personal video archives” July 12, 2023